#reconomy at ispo INSPIRE 2016

Publié le par Benjamin Marias .

GRV-AIR_visuel_Circular_Eco_622x395px-ispoNext year’s ispo INSPIRE will bring you: CIRCULAR ECONOMY

ispo has allocated 300 m2 in hall B6 to the communal platform INSPIRE organised by GreenroomVoice and Brands for Good, known for showcasing best practice and charity projects.

INSPIRE has grown over the years with more and more brands participating, and for the next edition 2016, GRV is teaming up with AIR (Agence Innovation Responsable) to concentrate on the subject of Circular Economy.

During ispo 2016 and beyond, the idea is to gather the sports community to inspire and represent the achievements in the industry.

#reconomy will be featuring products, brands and suppliers who have found an innovative and forward-looking way of dealing successfully with challenges. And gather brands, suppliers, recyclers, manufacturers, standards and labels in an interdisciplinary approach. It further aims to attract those who are looking for answers, services and innovations.


The concept is structured around the subjects of RAW MATERIALS (material level), INNOVATIVE “Circular” DESIGN (concepts and guidelines for a circular approach), USE & CARE (opportunities for new business models), END OF USE (concepts, infrastructure, etc).

The topic ‘Circular Economy’ is of particular importance to action-, winter- and outdoor sports brands, due to the fact that many of their key products are based on fossil fuel fibers, plastics and composites.

In case you are interested in participating as a brand,  ask for more information at hello@greenroomvoice.com


In order to directly involve people in the #reconomy mindset,  several events will take place at the INSPIRE booth.

1. #reconomy Connected from 5.00 to 7.00 pm on Sunday the 24. : A social get-together on the INSPIRE Booth HALL B6
It will be right after the EOG sustainability meeting. A social Get-Together for the Outdoor Sustainability Community  : free beer and free discussion around the focus topic of ispo INSPIRE 2016 : circular economy

2. #reconomy Workshops, every day from 11.00 to 12.00 on the INSPIRE Booth HALL B6
The #reconomy workshop series will give the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary team on questions, best practice examples and open challenges to close the material loop within our industry.
Sunday = End of Use
Monday = Raw Materials
Tuesday = Eco Design
Wednesday = Use and Care

3. Boardsports get-together at 5.00 pm on Monday the 25. on the INSPIRE Booth Hall B6
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